Categories: Pediatric Dentist

Common Pediatric Dentistry Corrective Treatments

Your child needs pediatric dentistry services. Caring for their mouth, teeth and gums is critical at a young age. You work hard to keep cavities, plaque, tartar and other issues at bay. If you place a significant emphasis on your health, you should do the same for your young family members. If your child needs dental care, a dental practice focused on children is a great place to start. Pediatric dentists offer a wide range of procedures and have the patience and kindness to work with children.

Treatments for Kids


Weakened teeth are susceptible to cracking or breaking. One of the best ways to prevent this from happening is to place a crown over the affected tooth. If your child has already broken a tooth, a crown is an effective way to repair it. A professional specializing in pediatric dentistry may recommend a crown with a root canal procedure. Another reason a dentist may use a crown is to attach a bridge in the patient’s mouth. Children often hit their mouths on objects, which can misshape teeth. Crowns can hide this damage and other blemishes.


Children lose their baby teeth at different rates. You may have one child who loses all their teeth at an early age and another one who still has a few baby teeth in their later teen years. If a young patient loses baby teeth early on, there may not be enough room in the mouth for permanent replacements. A spacer can take care of this problem. Spacers allow enough space for new teeth to grow in, helping to eliminate pain, discomfort and further dental concerns.

Teeth Removal

In most cases, when a child has a cavity, a dentist will clean out the affected tooth and use composite fillings in the space. This process makes the tooth in question just about as good as new. However, more severe decay requires a different approach: Extraction. Experienced dental professionals can remove teeth quickly and with as little pain as possible. Sometimes, this route is the smartest one to take for your child’s well-being. A dentist may also remove a tooth to create more room for the arrival of permanent teeth.

Teeth Whitening

This popular procedure is not just for adults; children may need white teeth as well. If your son or daughter has a habit of drinking soda, they may have yellow teeth. Certain foods can also turn teeth yellow. These situations can be devastating for young patients who unsure about their appearance. Fortunately, teeth whitening is quick, easy and painless. In one or two visits, your child can have a bright smile that will boost their self-confidence.

Pediatric Dentistry Is Here to Help

If your child is struggling with yellow, severely decayed or damaged teeth, a pediatric dentist can help. Spacers, crowns and whitening can be performed with your child's safety and comfort in mind. Call our office to learn about our pediatric dentistry services and see how we can help your child stay healthy.

Request an appointment here: or call Memorial Pediatric Dentistry at (281) 822-6600 for an appointment in our Houston office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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David Tang, DDS

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